! WELOVE ♥ 1N3!
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Im sure you guys are happy now , dat holidays are finally here !

Lols , YAY! for once , all of us handed in our projects without MsQuek hacing to chase someone for it ..
AWESOME! Keep it up yupps ?

so , was th Post-Exam Activites fun ?
im sure u guys had fun bowling , especially when th bowling thingy , off-ed th lights and on-ed music .
everybody was like " WOOOHOOOO! YAYAYAYAYYA! "

when everything has to end , everybody was like .
" *SIGH!* AWWWW! "

haha! wadever._.

well , i hope you guys finally wake up after this holidays ..
& finally on ur minds and think like a REAL secondary student.

alright ... i have n0th to say._.
just wanted to atleast post something on ur blog:]
shall end here for now yeapps?
(shall try getting bowling pic'chas that were taken}